Concern About Brown Water Coming Out Of A Faucet
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It’s not unusual to have brown water coming out of the faucet when you switch on the tap. Obviously, the water isn’t drinkable because it is full of sediments. Brown water is an indication of a bigger problem that likely can be traced back to your home’s pipeline.
Why Is Brown Water Flowing From the Faucet?
The whole story regarding contaminated water in Flint, Michigan, received nationwide coverage. Long story short, the problem started when the city switched water sources to save money. The new source supplied water that did not contain phosphate.
Phosphate forms a barrier that protects pipes and sewer lines. Hard water and an absence of phosphate caused the pipes’ interior surface to corrode and peel off into little flakes. These then found their way into the water. The result? Brown and crusty H2O. Something similar may be happening with your pipes if your water is discolored or hazed.
Rusted pipes, though, may not entirely be to blame. Brown water is also caused by contact with soil which is rich in iron.

Is Brown Water Harmful?
If the discoloration is caused by iron in the soil near the source, then the water is mostly harmless. There is, however, a serious health risk if the discoloration is caused by rusty pipes. Rust weakens the pipelining, making it vulnerable to cracks. When a pipe is cracked, it creates an opening that allows ground and air contaminants to enter the water supply line.
Consuming brown water won’t make you drop dead, but it does raise a concern regarding the state of your supply line. Our service includes excavation for examining potential problems in your waterline.
We’ll Check Your Supply Line
Utility installation and sewer cleaning for Seattle residents are our specialties. Call Sewer Solutions if you notice brown water, even if only occasionally. Brown water coming out of the faucet is no cause for immediate alarm, but it is a sign of a potentially compromised pipeline.
Applies to sewer line repairs requiring digital camera diagnosis.