How to Recognize a Leaking Sewer Line

How to Recognize a Leaking Sewer Line

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Just because sewer lines are out of sight, they should not be out of mind. While they are made to last for decades, they can only do so with proper maintenance. This includes looking out for potential issues that point to a sewer leak. Read on as Sewer Solutions NW, your top source of quality sewer repair services in Kirkland WA, shares some red flags you should watch out for.

How to Recognize a Leaking Sewer Line

Cracked Foundation

When sewer lines begin to leak, they can cause the ground to shift and saturate the soil. This eventually causes your foundation to crack, impairing its structural integrity. Besides this, sewer leaks can damage your patios and sidewalks. Once you see cracks on your home’s foundation, have a technician from our team inspect your pipes for leaks and perform sewer line repair, if deemed necessary.

Sewage Odor

A sewer system is designed to be airtight, meaning it should not allow gas to escape. That is why when you notice an unpleasant odor coming from multiple drains, there could be a leak or crack on your pipes. If the issue persists, a sewer pipe line repair may be in order. However, if the odor only comes from one drain, you might have a dry P-trap which you can fix with running water.

Lush Patches of Grass

Seeing lush, healthy patches of grass in your yard may seem like a good sign, but they are trying to tell you something else. Sewage serves as a fertilizer, which is why when you have leaking underground pipes, it will seep into the soil and nourish the surrounding grass, leading to a lush appearance. Depending on the extent of the leak and damage on your lines, a professional may need to repair or replace sewer line.

Even when the red flags may seem minor, you should leave them unattended for too long. The pros at Sewer Solutions NW are always ready to assist you and determine whether sewer line replacement or repair is the better course of action for your leaking sewer pipes. Contact us today to learn more about our top-notch solutions or to set up an appointment.


Applies to sewer line repairs requiring digital camera diagnosis.